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BOY'S SUMMER CAMP is July 26 - July 31, 2024
CLICK here for details.
What is life like for the seminarian?
Spend 12 minutes viewing the following CMRI YouTube video to find out:
Life In The Minor Seminary
Do you have a vocation?
If you are a young man of high school age who has a vocation, then St. Joseph Seminary may be the place for you. Our four-year course of studies offers the regular high school curriculum, with an emphasis on theology, Latin, choir and foreign language. A well-rounded program of daily Mass, prayer and sports complements our academic schedule. For more information, write to the rector of St. Joseph Seminary at the address below, or read the Application Requirements and fill out the Application for Admission form:
St. Joseph Minor Seminary Application Requirements
St. Joseph Minor Seminary Application For Admission
Seminary Support Club
If you are not yet a member of the Seminary Support Club and would like to become a member, you may write to the seminary at the address below. Members pledge to pray for the success of the seminary and, if able, to send a regular financial contribution for its support.
This will not cost you a cent! At Amazon Smile you can benefit St. Joseph Seminary, just be sure to shop at:
Amazon Smile Fundraiser for St. Joseph SeminaryThank you for your support!